
SEO Analysis | An Essential Guide for the beginners


SEO Analysis: Search engine optimization or SEO is an unavoidable part to content creators and marketing experts alike. SEO is the process of optimizing your content in a way that is easy for the search engines to show. SEO is the most used organic method to generate revenue and credibility for your brand.

SEO helps your content on your website to rank top on the search results. Even with more than 40 search engines, all SEO experts focus on Google alone. When the other Gapps like Gmaps & GImage are included, more than 90% of the search traffic goes through the Google servers. And this is why your brand must rank top on the search results.

SEO Jargon | SEO Analysis

SEO is famous for its technical jargon like crawling, indexing, keywords, inbound links, and outbound links. These are the most basic terms you need to understand to make a nice search engine optimized content or website. More importantly, this jargon, when explained one by one, explains the whole SEO process to make your results better.

Inbound & Outbound Links | SEO Analysis

If you are already a content creator or worked with an SEO expert, chances are that you are asked to hyperlink contents from other famous websites and other posts that are already posted by your website. Those hyperlinks that link internal pages or posts are called inbound links and the ones that take you to another webpage are called outbound links. The inbound links are helpful whereas the outbound links make your content more credible.

Crawling | SEO Analysis

Google’s bots crawl through the websites, link by link. It jumps from a page to another page hyperlinked on the previous page. These URLs are stored in a big database, Caffeine, which acts as the foundation for indexing. It is important that you understand how bots crawl through the internet to practice good SEO. Crawlers use the indexed links, and then go to the hyperlinked pages on that link, and the process goes on. So, things get easier when at least one page on your website is indexed.

All you have to do is to link other posts to that page and so on. In order to make this process easier for crawling bots, you can write guest posts at other famous websites and backlink your website or posts in that post.

Indexing | SEO Analysis

Once the Google bots crawl data to Caffeine, it is then processed by its servers. If your website or content is not visible in the search results, it is because your posts are not indexed. The time taken to index the page is undefined. One of my posts took just less than 5 hours to rank one on Google search results, whereas another one took 2 months for just to be visible on the search results.

So, it is advised to use the best SEO practices and constantly check whether your posts are indexed or not. Besides, if you are using WordPress to create your website, you can find two kinds of plugins, one that can track the posts which are indexed and the one’s that aren’t. This can be useful for you to backlink the unindexed posts and pages to get the crawl bots to find them.

Keywords | SEO Analysis

Keywords are the search terms users use to reach a page. Google ranks the websites relevant to the search keyword and ranks them based on relevance. The final results you see are based on this ranking. So, it is important that you add enough keywords to your content or posts on your website. The more specific your keywords are, the better the ranking your posts will get. You can use Trends and the classic Google Search to find keywords for your articles or blog posts. Besides, there are other 3rd party services that can give you analytics on different keywords related to your topic. But they are not free.

Talking about SEO is more than just using the above terms and its applications, like making better relevant content, using keyword-based titles and URLs, etc. However, these are the most basic factors that can seriously impact the way Google shows and rates your content on its search results.

So, once the above 4 processes are complete, your content will be ranking top on Google web results. However, there are chances that other competitors have already been ranked 1st and even got featured in Google snippet. Under such scenarios, you can use the following methods to tune your SEO score.

URL | SEO Analysis

Ensure that the posts or pages on your website have the keyword in its URL. Google ranks these URLs over the one without keywords.

Title | SEO Analysis

Always use keywords in your titles. And, add them at the beginning of your title.

Alt-Tags and Meta-Tags | SEO Analysis

Alt-tag refers to the tag given to the photos in your posts and meta-tags are those tags that help search engines understand a post’s contents. And hence. always include keywords in your alt-tags and meta-tags.

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